Backdrop Tool

The Backdrop Tool is a set of compositing scripts that help automate the process of compositing from inside Nuke.

Screen Shot


The Backdrop tool UI inside of Nuke


The features have been presented below under Backdrop Tools and Read Node Tools according to the context of their actions.


Arrange all the nodes from one shot into a single Backdrop node in order to gain advantage of all the Backdrop Tools

Backdrop Tools

Replace Read Path

Given a backdrop containing the network of nodes that can render one shot perfectly, The Replace Read Path feature can either replace all the relevant knobs of the read and write nodes with the render output related to another shot or replicate this layout for other shots by scanning the render output on the provided path.

Add Write Node

Given a node under selection one can add a write node after it and replace its knobs with the appropriate ranges and output paths.

Replace Cameras in Backdrop

Given a backdrop containing a camera node, the node is replaced by appropriate camera for the given shot.

Replace Render Layer

Detects all the render layers being used in the current selection / backdrop and replace the render layers with the other ones that are available in the file system containing the render outputs

Read Node Tools

Select Error Nodes

Select all the Read nodes which have error.


Use the Select Error Nodes feature to select all the nodes that have error and then use them in tandem with the rest of the tools to change them all at once.

ReRead Frame Range

Update frame range on the selected read nodes by scanning the filesystem.

Set Nearest Frame

Change the on error behaviour of the selected nodes to nearest frame.

Auto Increment Save

Automatically save the current nuke script after the given interval.

Red To Default

Change the color of the red or error nodes to default.


All the tools present under Read Node Tools work selected read nodes in nuke.

Third Party Tools

The following 3rd Party Tools can also be invoked from this UI for easy access.


This is a popular rendering scripts available on Nukepedia which can be used to perform renders asynchronously
